
I share myself in an effort to keep you by my side. O how I love you.

Tag: music

end of year playlist


hello everyone, so, pretty much, i always find it interesting to find out what my friends are listening to, so i’m lyrically coordinating 10 songs that sum up the ending of my year and here are my favorites, courtesy of andrew asking. enjoy yesterday and today x 

one – she’s bright, he’s dark. she’s strong, he’s weak. and so on. 

two – sooo soo much fun to have imaginary concerts to, the album version also goes beyond being lovable

three –  imagine being empty everyday, that would suck, because you’re angsty, i’m remembering what it was like to be made of sugar and glass, i like this one because its fragile

fo – my name is in it, and it’s beyond sweet perfection and s & g very much have it together

five – i just wanna sleep in

six – my thought is that, uh, this is my jam, i’m telling you, this is where the gold is

seven ^^ at the top – my sleepysweet song, it’s probably a chemical reaction that occurs in the body, it’s difficult to define and easy to fall asleep to

eight – i’ll catch what i’ve been chasing > i think i know that one >> yeah, you and the rest of the world

nine – this plays when my mama calls me, now add the fact that you’ll will never understand why this doesn’t play when you take off your hat in public.

ten – NUMBER TEN-TEN (distant echos..and that silent apprehension turns to excitement) ARCADE FIRE! 


i’m serious about this rap thing

i’ve decided this morning, to quit film and to pursue rap. here are my lyrics


i wish i was obscene but i’m just not

i take everything apart from the seams

untied knot

the place that you could never be, success got

the future, where i cant stop, the place where you can move,

its like a love rock, uhn, pause again, and drop the price

what happened to my life, i sold it to denmark for price

i will represent, and throw they flag up because its nice

do you think becuz i carry a camera that you can write

never again, success kills and gave me a license to feel

and what you do in places i never thought it for real

garageband got a whole bunch of ppl thinking they gonna make it

got whole lot of fools thinking that they can take it

it ain’t really even about how you rap or the pieces that you tap

but if you can sell it off, you move like a braggart to a plaque

whats the point in telling what you got in a song

if you never got it at home

the place where you alone

to a girl, to a boy, that motherfuka that on the fone

tell em that you love em, all the things that you’ll never put in a song

posted on ya face, tag em on ya page 

most of us we got a taste of 

something we can never really face

but forgive me, i’ll never bring it back to where i’m based


fuck tejas.


psyche 😉

NORMAL (Short Film) – 2011

My first short film is finished, and I feel happy that it was done well and with friends. I was a lot more courageous than curious to see it all finished. And, I think that paid off, because it moves you in a nice flow to create things. You forget the niceties of filmmaking and just go. You believe in yourself and that alone adds a natural energy to the process. But, that is I and this is we. And…WE all had great fun making this film, and sharing it with you seems to somehow afford us a more well meaning relationship with the Internet. With this film, I hope you can feel something that gives you a sense of joy about feeling alive and loved. It’s not to necessarily say that all of our chapters think to have a happy ending. On the contrary, it seems the stories of sadness and pain are often the ones that joyously awake us. Are we made to desire this awakening? We try not to desire anything so willingly. So, the answer is yes. You know, it seems strange, how things will change. 

AND, to those that made things a little easier in the process — thanks for your advice, love, and support! 

Thanks be to Jesus for all things and not allowing me to bend or break under the pressure of making this film. There were days where I definitely didn’t think that I would be able to make it, but what God started, I could not end.

Mama, I pray for your patience. I love you. Thank you for gracefully handling all the improbable joys of receiving me as a child. You’re the only one who realizes and vocalizes that my films shouldn’t be anyone’s top priority. 

Nili, for those of you who aren’t aware, this is Jacob and Jonas’ lovely mother. They say when you cast a kid, you cast their parents as well, and that axiom is well proved to be true. So, I could not have asked for anyone better to join this filmmaking family. Nili was lightyears beyond being the most patient and contained of all the parents — that will always be the thing that I remember and appreciate the most. It’s hard to explain how much patience and understanding is valued while you’re pouring your heart out and sweating to death trying to get a shot done. Thank you for being able to relate to all of the joys of filmmaking. I think I can only be so hopeful as to gather the whole team direction to echo in this dynamic.

Jonas, you are the best actor’s brother/production assistant I’ve ever worked with. This kid has an unending supply of creative energy, and he’s just down right one of the funniest people I know. I love a person who is courageous enough to say what is on their mind, so maybe he hasn’t fully learned to carry it out with proper concern just yet (please note: all the times he was quick to let me and everyone else around us know my face was dripping in sweat) but, all together that is what makes him an absolute joy to be around. Everything about him is spontaneous, which I really like. 

Kelly, I don’t think there’s any person in the world who has surprised me like she has. She just dropped into my professional life, inadvertently, we met at a Target and it is strange to say that she was interested enough to come on board and make a film with us; to this day, I can’t believe I asked some girl from Target to be in my film, but when you see somebody with potential, you just don’t let them go. Somehow, I feel I have developed a deeper trust and respect within Jesus because of the way I didn’t know anything about her going into this film. Ultimately, it worked and from that, there isn’t much to add, beyond myself looking forward to all the good things she does in life. 

Jacob was our dreamer. With Jacob, anything can be done. He was my partner in making the heart of this movie come through. I saw him in Oh No Ono’s music video for Swim and he has always stuck in my head. Out of the brightness of his presence came the theme of the short and its spirit and tempo. He works extremely hard and always comes to the table with depth and creativity. I always felt he loved the film as much as I did, so it was inspiring to have him around. He made me remember making movies is not all about lights or cameras, but about having fun and forgetting the pauses. He was the electricity of the movie.

and special thanks to:

ditte odgaard @ bacon cph, bruce o’neal @ lone star college, kelly’s family, john lance @ sonic boom audio, anne anselmo, erlend øye: 1/2 of kings of convenience, taxi taxi, rasmus @ rumraket, and thomas & bertrand @ strictly confidential

Nevertheless to me being long winded; everyone is a utensil by God. I am just hyper sensitive to all the things involved, and never more important is it to address and give thanks to the people who have helped me immerse in the unfolding of things. Filmmaking turns to be such an engaging environment; in a whole, it’s basically just you and some others trying to dissolve the boundary between the script and the moment you are trying to capture and create along the way. Thanks for reading. I hope you enjoy the film, we did our best.


on top of the world it seems

back 2 back posting, whhhat? it’s either i have no life or i just really love you guys, let’s go with the former. so make me happy and watch the videos, or you can just leave, no one will judge you. your mom might, but that’s her issue.

i miss the naked brothers band, or at least nat & alex, they’re like a baby version of ‘the strokes’, oh and youtube commercials, do me a favour and run off the tallest pier you can find, i’m hoping the fall will kill you, but alas i can only hope

there’s nothing in this world that beats this song, except maybe, soma, the end has no end, fuck, the entire strokes catalogue is brilliant. oh and i’m not trying to be all english/british with my spelling, though it would be relevant because HARRY POTTER COMES OUT THIS FRIDAY, (LITERALLY SITTING AT MY COMPUTER SCREEN SCREAMING), but uh..yeah, somehow my computer has set itself in british english, and i have too much ADD to want to deal with red squiggly lines, so fuck off you punter, no stay, i kind of like you

thank yous kindly for reading

More Childish Than In A Long Time

discoloured grass, branches, salted slugs fall as they may, succubus which broke us into two. take them off, they are squeaking quietly in the background.

Of a shyness that is criminally vulgar
